Friday, March 6, 2015

What to Wear

So many times we will be in a store trying to decide if we should buy something or not. Sometimes it is a lot harder for us to pick out clothes then it is others. Depending on your income typically depends on what you buy. Some of us may shop at second hand stores, while others may shop for the most expensive clothes you can buy. Everyone has different style, and different taste in clothes. So, how do you know what's best to buy for your child?

You can buy baby clothes from most clothing stores you go to, unless it is a store for a specific age group, or specific gender. Different places sell clothes for different prices, and different quality. You want to be careful buying cheap clothes, because you don't want them to have bad quality. You want the clothes to last. You're buying these clothes for your kid. Being kid clothes means they are going to get dirty a lot, and will be crawled in a lot. When babies crawl on the ground their clothes wear-out faster. I know some families can't afford anything, but second-hand store clothes, and that's okay. I wouldn't put this as my first recommendation for baby clothes though. Babies tend to get sick easier than adults do. Some of those clothes contain a lot of germs, and will make your kid sick. If you buy these clothes be sure to wash them before you let your kid wear them. Check the quality of the clothes before you decide to buy them. Some of the clothes already have holes in them, which means they will last an even shorter amount of time.

Buying clothes from Walmart, or Meijer is a good idea for babies. Their clothes aren't to expensive, they last, and they are cute. If you are a higher income family, and don't mind spending a lot of money on clothes for your child I'd recommend going to an actual baby store like: Babies "R" Us, Baby Gap, or The Children's Place. Their clothes are a little more expensive, but are really cute, and last a little longer.

Picking out what clothes to buy isn't as hard as you may think. Make sure the clothes aren't to small, but aren't to big either. Remember you'd rather buy clothes that are a little big than clothes you are questioning if they're to small. Kids will grow, so they will eventually grow into the clothes. You don't want the clothes to be to big to the point they fall off though. Babies are always trying to move, but if their clothes are to big, or to tight it makes it very hard. Don't stress about buying clothes though, because it is a lot easier than you may feel.

1 comment:

  1. This post reminds me of the store Once Upon a Child. Great place to take old children's clothes. You should check it out.
