Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Yum Yum Yum

Food is something most of us love. Picking out what food is best though can be challenging. There are many different brands, flavors, and types of food you can buy. When babies are first born you have two choices: formula, or breast feed. Choosing to breast feed is up to you. Some women aren't even able to breast feed, so you may not have a choice. Choosing what kind of formula to buy can be challenging. Buy the formula that sounds most nutritious. You may have to try different kinds of formula before you find the right one. If at first you baby gets sick give it a few days before you buy something else. It may just take time for the baby to get used to that kind of formula. After you take your kid off formula you start feeding him/her baby food. Baby food is smooth like pudding, so the baby doesn't have to chew. There are many different flavors you can buy. If there is a flavor your kid doesn't like it will be spit out, or when you try to feed it to them your kid will turn its head. Buy the stuff that sounds the healthiest. Slowly start to put a little more crunchy food on their plate. Make sure to still feed them BABY crackers, not adult crackers. Baby crackers are a great food to always have on hand. They aren't messy, and they are easy to grab, go, get them out, and enjoy. Don't rush getting your kid off baby food. You'll know when the time is right (normally when teeth start coming in) to start changing what they eat a little more. Just be patient with it. They more teeth that are coming in the more food you can start feeding your kid. When the time comes when you feel you can take them completely off baby food start slow. Start off with feeding it simple things like bananas, apple sauce, cereal, and crackers. It's always best to break things up, so it's easier for them to eat, and so it's less likely for them to choke.

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